Friday, October 07, 2005


my life is soooo exciting. after working all day at school yesterday, i put my grades on the computer for report cards coming out monday; added assignments to my classes on the school's website; shut every locker door in the hallway; picked up the hundreds of crinkles off the floor (crinkles being my own personal word used to describe that disgusting fringe on paper when it is torn from a binder or notebook- one of my teaching pet-peeves. i am so grateful to the person who invented the perforated notebook.); straightened chairs and tables; put library books back on shelves; answered questions about student council fund-raising projects; chased three kids down to give me their tee-shirt money so i could finally order them for the other 128 people who actually paid on time; put the new date and homework assignments on the board; checked on the yearbook which should be shipping sometime soon; cleaned off my desk for the 20th time; checked ghost's word blog to see if she had written any new treasures; checked my e-mail; asked for permission to sell pizza at lunch in two weeks and to have an octoberfest during the week of soccer regionals; filed worksheets on informational speeches, writing notecards, notes on the piano keyboard, and a bass clef treasure hunt; graded the boys music homework and put them in the gradebook; discussed with a parent why it isn't okay for little johnny to say whatever he wants when he wants ; went home fed myself spaghetti and my dog iams; went back to school ; line-judged for a two and a half hour volleyball match; talked to a parent who dislikes for no reason other than i couldn't give her what she wanted; went back home; unloaded the dishwasher; took the dog pottie; watched survivor; took the dog pottie; put stuff in the washer; played with the dog; made a smoothie; took the dog pottie; thought about what to wear in the morning; called my friend to ask about her sick baby; talked to my husband about computery work things;took the dog pottie; almost fell asleep at ten; made myself stay awake until 11; put the dog out; wiped off the counters; took out my contacts; brushed my teeth; changed clothes; locked the doors; turned out the lights; went to bed. the end.


Blogger elea said...

happy, happy day....

11:14 AM  

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