Thursday, September 15, 2005


i find great joy in simple things. today i did a demonstration speech for my class- how to make grilled cheese with an iron. a funtabulous college dorm lesson i still use occasionally. how crazy sweet to see their eyes light up as if i knew a great secret that philosophers had been pondering for centuries. i had unearthed the simplicity of making a sandwich in tin foil and melting it to deliciousness with the tool my husband regularly uses to iron his dress clothes for work. it made me so happy to see them excited about a silly sandwich that i was on the verge of giddiness. not just because they thought i was wonderful for a moment (though i must admit that with teenagers you never know, so that did make my heart smile); but because they found just as much pleasure in watching me iron my wonderbread and kraft slices to a paper-thin snack as i did in making them. and when i suggested and then demonstrated the grilled pb&j, well, you could have picked them up off the floor. :). just something ordinary really, but it is the everyday ordinary that makes up the memories of tomorrow. off to clean up the spills and stickies off my desk where child fingers have made their mark for the day.


Blogger elea said...

i remember those iron you remember the urban myth about how "someone over in mack got sick because of the starch left on her iron--she got starch poisoning, and is now a permanent resident in barge!" (i wax hyperbolic, but of course so did the teller...)
hope the sandwich was yummy!

5:14 AM  

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