Wednesday, August 31, 2005


it is always amazing to me, or possibly somewhat harrowing, that some humans can purposfully degrade another. there has to be some kind of flaw in the heart of a person who looks into the eyes of a soul encased in flesh and opens their mouth to spew some kind of poisonous , crippling word. i can only believe that children learn from the examples of their leaders, and so what have we shown them that allows them to give themselves permission to toss around deep-cutting insults and rumors and jokes like a harmless game of catch at dusk? these offenses are falling on the hearts of innocent people- most just trying to do what is right in their own little corner of the world; and the innocence is being driven out and a perversion of goodness is being left in its place- some kind of theory that we are only kind to those we "like" and all others must be disgraced. i hurt for every child who hears a cruel word; but i weep for those who valiantly attempt to live a life at peace and their dreams are threatened by those who choose cowardice over bravery. why is it that pleasure is so often found in the pain of something else?


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