Wednesday, October 05, 2005


i had dinner last night with a friend. his mother passed away this summer of cancer. for awhile i did not see him or hear from him. he had hidden himself away from humanity. after the funeral, i told him to call me and we'd do lunch or supper or some thing that would give him someone to talk to, some outlet in which to vent or cry or rant. so we met at the farm- the farm being bob evans farm- and to my surprise, he has emerged from his darkness with a beautiful smile and a healing heart. where i supposed there would be tears, there was laughter. where i had assumed there would be bitterness, there was the clear imprint of God's grace. where i thought there would be sorrow, there was dancing. we talked about a multitude of things, from his plans to help future victims of cancer to our favorite color. i taught him how to play rock, paper, scissors (which we did to see who would pick up the check- he cheated ) and he told me about the how the state and county could distribute sales tax to pick up part of the cost of building new city schools. i asked him if he liked trees and he made fun of my circular thinking patterns. and the whole point here is- it was so normal- and i so underestimated God once again. HE is the great physician. and i saw a miracle last night, because He had mended the broken and filled the heart with song.


Blogger elea said...

pray for me sweet friend--i am drowning...

8:27 PM  

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