Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Stuck In Some Blasted Tape

who's bright idea was it to charter this bitty, struggling, everyone already overworked school? i am thankful for our government. i am thankful for our president. i am thankful for our country... i am not thankful (though i know in my deepest heart that i should be) for the miles upon miles of sticky, red tape that these agencies make us crawl through. no wonder it's red- that's all the blood that has been shed throughout the years trying to understand legal jargon that means nothing in the end. and who would have thought that anyone would have time to read through our tiny-towned Christian school's daily log sheets anyway? i mean who knows how many exact minutes we spend on "student and other stakeholder focus" each day? and why isn't teaching considered a student focus? and why is there a 30 page "pamphlet" to explain how i need to explain how i work each day? i have a sneaky suspicion that after the 5 hours it is going to take me to fill out these logs sheets, they will find their final resting place in a folder labeled "some school, somewhere" under a two foot stack of papers on some bureaucrat's desk, where he will decidedly ignore the stack of stuff wherein lies our years inventory of teaching and decide he would rather have a coffee instead. he'll shuffle around a few more piles, our critically important log sheets will be covered by more expendable folders and documents, he will leave feeling satisfied that he has done his work for the day and no one will ever know how many moments i used on this day, may 2, to "use data to improve performance results", "plan strategically and improve continuously", or " evaluate and intervene". no one will ever know, except my students; and they don't want a log sheet.


Blogger crt said...

that sucks. not much else to say. you probably won't be able to read this with blood tape wrapped around those beautiful blue eyes anyway.
so sorry.
you would think teaching would count for something. uuurrrrggghhh!

6:44 AM  

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