Friday, June 16, 2006


weeeellll, it has been an interesting last month and a half in my life. to put it in short terms. we were kicked out of our house, we had to find a new one, we had no where to go, we had no money, we found a new house, the owner of our old house wanted us to pay thousands of dollars for i'm still not sure what, i almost had a mental break-down, that guy decided to just leave us alone, school let out, we moved. so looking back i can honestly say that it was one of the toughest times i have ever faced, but probably, i am stronger for it. just a little weary and a lot bruised. i am living in a nice house the Lord provided. i am getting lots of needed exercise walking the dog. i am 15 steps away from my job. i have a wonderful family who is wonderfully supportive. i have amazing friends ( and aquaintances- thanks to this blog) who just are there for me, even when i shut myself off from creation. and i have a loving God who saw it all before the world began and knew what i was supposed to learn. so really that is about it as far as me goes. but i am back. and i will be posting and i will be calling and i want to visit. so look for me. i have returned.