Thursday, February 23, 2006

the tale of one wiggle worm and a piece of gum

i have music with kindergarteners on tuesdays ( aslan's child you will appreciate this as your genius is about to enter the halls of learning). this tuesday i taught them "wiggle worm". it is timeless. every class loves and sings it till their 30. so we were talking about spring and what animals and insects come out in the spring. this brought us to worms. i was explaining that there were little worms that you couldn't see that could change to the color of your skin and clothes and they made you wiggle around when you weren't supposed to. austin, a teeny ,adorable , black, just turned 5 , little lispy child says "Mrs. Teacher- please don't say that again- it makes my skin feel weird and itchy." this is the same boy who thought floss was in your eyeball and prayed for his father who didn't want to see him anymore ( not true- his dad is doctor and loves him very much) i thought i was going to laugh my self into crying spell. then harrison, the big-eyed, chubby cheeked son of an actor, magician, doctor, etc., game up to me and got right in my face and said with all seriousness "my dad is in mexico this week.... hey, you have gum in your mouth. it is orange. my mom has that gum." then in an excited whisper "she got hers at the airport, did you?" i love these kids. they keep me young.


Blogger elea said...

i think you might have the wiggle worm....did you get it at the air port? that's where i got mine....

5:56 AM  
Blogger crt said...

wiggle worms are like dust mites at our house. they are everywhere. thankfully , they go to bed between 7:30 and 8:00pm.

3:34 PM  

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